September 11, 2009


Our yearly trip to Disneyland is fast-approaching. And, while I was shocked last year that our one-year-old had so much fun, lasted the whole day and wasn't freaked out when we were standing too close to the fireworks, I have to wonder if this year, now that she's two and has a tiny, six-month-old sister, if it's possible to have the same amount of fun.
This year, I want to do everything the same...except I want to actually remember the Pack-n-Play (so we don't have to drive home in the middle of the night to get it) and we are bringing a costume for Ava to wear to Downtown Disney (so we don't have to buy an expensive princess outfit since now she WILL know she's the only kid not wearing a costume).
Fingers crossed that this will be as much fun as the last year - but can you really go too wrong? After all, it's the Happiest Place on Earth!

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